Digital Eagle

April 20, 2009

Family Update: Or should we say Oven Update?

Filed under: Family Update — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 7:44 am

Can you believe it?  We are still trying to convince ourselves.  So far, three tests have said the same thing!


We still have yet to go to the doctor though.  Lorraine is guessing the doctor will say Dec 27th for the due date.

April 14, 2009

Family Update: New Kitchen Decorations

Filed under: Family Update — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 10:58 pm

We went shopping the other day and picked up some decorations for the kitchen.  What do you think?


April 3, 2009

Giving Presentations

Filed under: Computers,Great Links — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 11:06 pm

Recently, I picked up several good links about giving presentations.  So, in order to not forget them, here they are:

Fun Fact: One more reason to be a doctor!

Filed under: Fun Fact — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 5:34 pm

Engadget wrote this interesting article:

Gamers make better surgeons, study says

Doing a quick search reveals that Engadget wasn’t the only one who published such articles:

MSNBC: Surgeons may err less by playing video games

USA Today: Studies: Video games can make better students, surgeons

So, I am waiting for the studies that show that games make better programmers, or for Lorraine, time on the computer makes better husbands!  I won’t hold my breath though.

Fun Fact: Our Next Car?

Filed under: Fun Fact — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 5:33 pm

Ever since my Uncle told me about the company Telsa, they have interested me.  Engadget just published this article about the price of their new car, the Model S.

Engadget: Tesla CEO says Model S isn’t really expensive, when you think about it

Engadget seems to be doing to good job of keeping us up to date, so stay tuned.

This car looks exciting.  Could it really be our next car?  Well, judging from the fact that it hasn’t even hit the assembly line, I think it will be very hard to find on the used car lot!

Fun Fact: Beware of Your GPS!

Filed under: Fun Fact — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 5:32 pm

We have always thought it would be fun to give GPS systems a personality.  Rather than these nice robot sounding voices that say “Make a U-Turn at the next location”, we would laugh at something that would say, “Hey! Hey! You missed your turn!  Where did you learn to drive?  You need to be going the other direction!”

But, I don’t know if I ever would have taken it this far.  A GPS that tries to run you off the side of a mountain!?

Engadget: Another UK driver nearly dies from following GPS instructions

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