Digital Eagle

July 25, 2007

Fun Fact: Country Secrets must be Kept Underground

Filed under: Fun Fact — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 11:42 am

Strategic Security Blog points out that a secret Chinese submarine was spotted by one of Google’s satellites.  So, anyone with access to Google maps could view that submarine.  With today’s level of technology, anything sitting above ground out in the open is going to get photographed at least by a commercial satellite.  I can only imagine that the government has a satellite that has captured every detail of that submarine in every detail.

July 20, 2007

Misc Links: Airplanes and Camera Phones

Filed under: Uncategorized — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 11:28 am


In light of my sister’s experience with the airlines, this article caught my eye. Jeff Nolan points to an article, Double trouble: DVT a small, but serious risk, which lists (toward the middle of the article) several flights that required passengers to wait unreasonable amounts of time on the tarmac.

Camera Phones

I love the picture on this article.

Matchbox Cars

I learned from Jeff Nolan that Jack Odell is the man behind the Matchbox cars. Apparently, he passed away on July 7th.

Wikipedia on Matchbox Toys

Wikipedia on Jack Odell

Times Online Obituary

Professional Blogging

Since I had just blogged about this site, the article caught my attention.

Actual Article

Found it through manalang

The Wayback Machine

The Wayback Machine allows you to see history of a page. I found this in an article using it to document the history of Google’s search page.  They need to add an RSS feed so that you can get notified when someone updates their page!

July 12, 2007

Fun Fact: Vipers Help Stroke Victims

Filed under: Fun Fact — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 2:09 am

According to a Nursing Spectrum article, venom from the Malayan Viper can help stroke victims. The article says that treating strokes immediately is very important. But, this new drug called Viprinex can help increase the “window of opportunity”.

Their website has a nice little video that shows how the vipers are milked. I don’t know if I could do that job! Judging by how many mistakes I make a work and how deadly a mistake would be in that line of work, I wouldn’t last long!

Linux uses can use: mplayer -playlist

July 11, 2007

Blog Update

Filed under: Blogging — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 3:23 am

I have updated the blog just a little bit:


I changed the Kent category and the Baby Update category to “Kent Update”. The problem is that he is growing so fast that he will hardly be called a baby. I think Kent Update could last a little longer, and two categories for the same thing is confusing.

About Page

I have updated the About page with some information about the site and some tools that I use.


I changed the theme to Rubric. Here is a sample page for the theme: WP CSS Styles. In doing some searching on it, it won 2nd place in a competition. I just like it because it is wider than the original theme.

Blog Roll

The blog roll did not have my other blogs on it. So, it is updated now.

July 3, 2007

Computer Tip: Keeping Up with the Blogs

Filed under: Blogging,Computers — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 3:05 am

Now is the information age. We have access to plenty of information, but can we harvest it? News companies and websites are spewing information on current events, and bloggers are adding their personal treasures as well. But, visiting every one of the websites on the Internet to check for new information would be impossible.

The key is tools. Google News gathers all of the news and allows you to see all of the information in one place. Another tool that helps, particularly with blogs or anything with an RSS feed, is Google Reader. Google Reader will take each post or item on the feed and place it in a list keeping track of whether or not you have read it. The best part is all of the blogs and information is gathered into one place and organized.

Here is what Google Reader looks like:

When you are on a blog, just look for the feed link. You can also just copy the URL or the address of the page, and the Reader will probably find the feed for you. When you do a Google search, web, news, image, etc, you can copy the feed from the bottom of the search list and the Reader will tell you if a new item shows up in the search.

There are probably other tools out there — please comment if you have another that you like.

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