Digital Eagle

June 28, 2007

Fun Fact: Cell Phone Warnings

Filed under: Fun Fact — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 9:11 pm

According to Infoworld, Japanese cell phones may warn people of earthquakes by 2008. Apparently, the Japanese government is going to feed the warnings to cellphone companies, which would then send the warning out to its subscribers’ phones.

This is a wonderful idea, but how about other natural disasters? In Florida, we would need warnings about hurricanes and floods. In the mid-west states, tornado warnings would save lives.  As cellphones become more and more popular, the better channel for warnings they would be.

Before I could get this published, I found this article about lightning warnings: Nokia to add lightning detector to mobile phone. Being the lightning capital or “Lightning Alley”, I think Florida would be a good marketing target!

June 24, 2007

Kent Update: Standing

Filed under: Family Update,Kent Update — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 2:17 am


We were sitting watching TV and Kent was playing in is own world. I am not sure how he discovered it, maybe he caught himself and stood back up, but he figured out how to stand up in the middle of the floor with nothing to help.

It wasn’t just a one time thing. Once he figured it out, he had to do it again and again. Sometimes he didn’t get it and landed on his diaper (thank goodness for diaper padding), but most of the time, he got it.

June 14, 2007

Fun Fact: Cats Can Be Fun

Filed under: Fun Fact — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 9:56 pm

If you like to look at pictures of cats, here is your place!

I Can Has Cheezburger

Puck, this is in honor of you!

June 11, 2007

Google Traffic Reports

Filed under: Computers — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 8:00 pm

This is a little bit late, but I noticed that Google has added some traffic tools for major cities. For those of us in the Tampa area, we can use Google traffic to see what driving into town looks like.

As far as I can tell, Google does not have a specific list of the areas that they cover and don’t cover. You just have to go to the area and see if it shows a traffic button.


Other Traffic Tools:

Just Fun:

Google StreetView allows you to view images of an area. It’s like jumping down from the satellite into the map. But, it is not available in Tampa; the closest area is Miami.

 This is my attempt to capture the Vizcaya in Miami with the Street View.  Click here to see it yourself.

June 8, 2007

Kent Update: Where’s Mommy

Filed under: Family Update,Kent Update — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 2:50 am

Kent Waiting for Mommy

I love this pose; Kent does it all the time. I think in this case, the hand means: why is Mommy taking so long in the bathroom. I want to hurry up and see Great Gramps — I know he has some Peach Jam for me or some of his dutch baby! We were in the Texas airport just off the plane from Tampa. Kent was perfect and had slept most of the flight. Here he is watching the hustle and bustle on the tarmac.

June 4, 2007

Fun Fact: Nerd Score

Filed under: Fun Fact — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 5:00 pm

Can you believe that I am a lower rank nerd than my sister?!?

I am nerdier than 30% of all people. Are you a nerd? Click here to find out!

Check out her score here: The Mercied: Studying

June 2, 2007

Car Seats

Filed under: Baby Tips — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 6:55 pm

It really helps to know the law as far as car seats are concerned. Even if you don’t have any kids, chances are at some point in time, you will want to transport a child in your own car.

Please check my facts, but here is summary of what I have found:

NHTSA suggests using car seats for kids up to 8 years old, 80 pounds, or 4 foot 9 inches. The problem is, I know some adults who are under the height and weight ranges — can you use a car seat in the driver’s seat?

In Florida, children 0-5 must have some sort of extra seat.

What You Need To Know About Driving With Baby

Florida Laws

Car Seat FAQs

NHTSA — Child Passenger Safety

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