Digital Eagle

August 22, 2006

First Post

Filed under: Blogging — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 2:52 am

This is my first delve into the world of blogging. This adventure is a learning experience, but everyone has to start somewhere.

I normally learn quickly with no fear of jumping in and making it work. Hands-on experience is always the best. However, hands-on means trying it out, making mistakes, and learning as you go. With blogging, hands-on involves making mistakes for the world to see. Therein lies my reluctance.

Why try to blog?

Sharing Information Connects
Most pages across the Internet have both ads and content. While the ads may attract attention, the content is what really draws others. Therefore, if you want to bring people together to a place, provide information, and they will probably come.

Sharing Information Establishes Reputation
When someone provides information that another does not have, that party is greater. Therefore, you can build up your reputation by helping others. Those who you have helped will repay you with a higher regard.

Ray Ontko is one of the examples that motivated me. He is recognized as one of the leaders in the SQR world (programming). I would never have known about him had it not been that he has published some very helpful information on SQR in a market where very little information exists.

Who knows though? It might backfire. But, I will live and learn — in this case in front of the world — if anyone notices.

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