Digital Eagle

May 22, 2007

Kent’s Birthday Party

Filed under: Family Update,Kent Update — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 2:24 am

We had planned to have a family party and a friends party. Since the schedule was thrown out of whack, we had the party with family, but have yet to reschedule the party with friends.

Kent went serious anytime the camera came out, but with the help of a bottle of bubbles, we captured some excitement:


Gotta get the hat:

Cowboy Hat

May 21, 2007

Fun Fact: April Fool’s Day

Filed under: April Fools,Fun Fact — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 5:00 pm

This is a little out of date, but better late than never. I had planned to post it shortly after April Fool’s day, but I let it sit around for quite a while:

Apparently, many people on the Internet like to get in on the fun.

Here the links of the jokes I have seen so far:

Here are some older jokes:

Kent’s First Birthday

Filed under: Family Update,Kent Update — Stephen aka DigitalEagle @ 2:21 am

Kent’s first birthday party didn’t go as planned. Kent caught a stomach bug, and we decided to postpone the party. But, before going to church, we celebrated quickly anyway. At least he wore the hat. He didn’t really go for the cup cake though.

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